
About Computer Science and Engineering (Network Management and Cyber Security)
This course is a part of Computer Science. It provides specialization in networking, and Cyber Security is designed to meet the security needs of computer networks with critical data stored. This course will provide students with a strong base in programming, mathematical reasoning and circuit designing. Along with this, students will also be learning about secure coding, cryptography, and other web services.  This field of CSE is designed for companies concerned about their data being secure, and privacy protected. In today's digital world, safety has become a major issue. Hacking and data theft are everyday occurrences. Companies, individuals, Government Agencies have become very sensitive to these malpractices. In such a situation, the job of a professional in this field becomes extremely important, and it is expected that this job will maintain its position as a highly prestigious part of the CSE field. Also, people employed in this field are needed to protect your data or retrieve lost data, making their work all the more important.

What is Computer Science and Engineering (Network Management and Cyber Security)?

This course covers everything from network computing, information systems, digital forensics and law. This course aims to provide the students with skills so that they can design, create, and secure complex data networks. Some of the topics in this course are- network switching, wireless networks, the transmission of data, security of computer systems and network infrastructure. Students will learn about innovative and important technologies like firewalls, VPN (Virtual Private Networks), IPS, and other security engineering tools. This course will equip the students with multiple skills that they will need in their careers: Work Ethics – Unarguably, this trait is important in every field you work in. However, in the field of networking and cyber security, it holds special importance, since your work would require you to be very organized and detail approached so that you can deliver quality results on time colleges must focus on them; Management skills- many networking and cyber security engineers get employed in top situations or become leads in huge projects, in such a scenario its very important that they possess good managerial skills to handle projects efficiently. Along with this, professionals in this field require communication, interpersonal skills, a large variety of technical skills etc. The curriculum for this course is as follows: Engineering Physics, Engineering Mathematics, Engineering Graphics, Programming, Operating System, Software Development, Software architecture, Networking Hardware, Networking Addresses, IT, Networking management, Secure Coding, Network Security, Cryptography etc.

Eligibility and Career in Computer Science and Engineering (Network Management and Cyber Security)

For students to enrol in the Undergraduate course, they must complete at least their 10+2 level with Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics as their core subjects. After this, to be eligible for the postgraduate in this field, students should complete the undergraduate with 60% aggregate. The course duration for Under Graduate is of 4 years and for a Post Graduate in 2 years. Students who graduate from this field will find employment in IT firms, Telecommunication firms, Data Centers, Tech Firms, Software Development, Data security firms etc., in the following professions – Computer Network Engineer, Information Security Consultant, Lecturer, IT specialist.


